We are looking for cooperating companies
We would like to invite you to take part in the research conducted by Ferenc Faragó, PhD student at the Óbudai University Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences.
Research topic:
Key Performance Indicators as management decision support tools in the health and safety management of multinational companies
Research area:
Sustainability, Work safety, Safety Performance, Preventive Safety
The aim of the research is to examine whether there is a detectable, verifiable relationship between changes in the various “normal” (non-occupational safety) key performance indicators used in a given company and the workplace accidents that occur. If so, to determine which indicators have a clear link and what changes in them indicate an increase in the risk of accidents at work.
It can be assumed that the changes of the various production and quality indicators could pre-indicate the probability of events and accidents occurs. This provides an opportunity to develop decision-making (early warning) tools that can give greater emphasis to prevention in occupational health and safety.
We are looking for collaborating firms that have developed corporate performance measurement and tracking practices and have at least 5-10 years of KPI data sets.
Download the research plan’s abstract from this link. It contains the main purpose of the research and the expected benefits. At the current stage of the project we are looking for multinational companies for to cooperate. Primarily looking for large companies that have adequate (thorough and accurate) corporate performance measurement and have at least 5-10 years of KPI data sets. We are open to working with any production company.
Feel free to contact me via e-mail or phone +36 20 852 1899 if you have questions.